Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Last chance of playing in the snow (in the south)

This last Thursday a lot of snow fell over Gothenburg and when I came home from work I made three of these "snölyktor". Half an hour later the snow transformed into rain. Gothenburg went from a snowy landscape to brown slush.

In spite of the rain and warm temperature we went to Ulricehamn to go skiing. The snow quality was not the best but it was good enough for the first run of the year.

Dani and Lisa in the slopes
Dani, Lisa, Paco and I

Paco, getting better and better each time he skiis

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Light home make over

This weekend has been dedicated to a light home make over. I was so sick of all the bags and temporary inventions for the recycling. Bags everywhere for plastic, tins, paper, glass etc... I went to Granit and found some boxes that will serve as recycling containers.



From left to right: cans, plastic, cardboard, newspaper.

Under the sink. To the left: metallic, glass and toxic waste.
To the right: compote and regular "garbage"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Back in business again?

First day of exercise after my health crash last week. I did 60 min of Core. I thought it was going to be very light since I'm used to do body pump, spinning and indoor walking. But I was wrong. It is incredible how much strength you can loose by puking your guts out. Last week I barely managed to stay awake at work and that is a strange feeling for me. I like my work, I have fun at work, I longed back to work after 3 weeks of holiday. And when I finally got back after 3 weeks + days of sick leave I didn't have any fun at all. Luckily it lasted only for a few days. Now I'm back in business again... hopefully...

Monday, January 11, 2010


I think I caught the winter flu virus on the way back to Sweden. A cold and throwing up. I'm destinated to lay in bed for at least one more day. At least I got home before the worst hit in. I don't even wish my enemies (do I have any?) to go through what I've been through the last 72 hours.

When I'm awake I read Shantaram (starting to get really interesting). I have reached page 375 of 940. I doubt that I will finish before next book circle (next Tuesday). I also watch some movies. Yesterday I was feeling worse than today and started out with a typical romance/comedy, The Proposal. Today I feel better and so is my taste. The movie for today is Milk. Any suggestions for tomorrow?

Do you have any recommendations on book review sites (in English)?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

and a Happy New Year!

I wish you all a Happy New 2010!

We celebrated New Year in Valencia, Spain with Paco's family. It was a very tranquile New Years Eve. Most part of our Christmas holiday in Spain we have spent in the countryside of Lliria (a village 30 min from Valencia city). Paco's parents have bought a weekend house and there is a lot to do before it is habitable. The garden was totally overgrown, the house has to be restored completely, the same goes for the pool. When Paco's parents sent us the photos of the house we were a bit skeptical, the house looked like a shoe box. But now when we have seen it IRL we have fallen in love with it. It is a wonderful feeling to be on the countryside. The garden has been trimmed by a professional garderner the last days and it already looks different. When all is restored it will be a small paradise. It seems that the garden has not been watered in 5 years but it still has a lot of eatable fruits. There are orange-, lemon-, pomegranate-, fig-, nispero-, olive-, laurel-, palm trees and many more that I have forgotten. We have picked a lot of oranges and lemons and make our own juice in the morning. It tastes great.

The house is called "La Casa Verde", and has been called that since long before it was encountered.

It seems that the house came with two cats as well. The former owner left the cats when he sold the house. Bastard!

This poor one we have named Pavarotti because he meows a lot. As you can see he has been in "war", his eyes are manhandled and not much is left of the tail.

This handsome creature is so far called "el otro" (the other one) because we haven't found any suitable name for him yet. Any suggestions?
More pics of "La Casa Verde".